Unusually, horticulture got a brief mention on BBC Radio 4's "Today" programme this morning, with a very short item about the problems facing the Yorkshire "Rhubarb Triangle". Essentially, the problem is that the mild winter so far means that the rhubarb hasn't had the frost it needs to get it growing in the spring.
It's certainly still mild here today. Lunchtime today I was picking both autumn oriental salad leaves and some fresh fennel leaves, and had to wash a few aphids off these - but not too many as the ladybirds are still about outdoors and active. In the woodland plot at the far end of the garden, the snowdrops are now flowering - at least a month early - and in the front garden the first crocuses are coming up in the lawn.
It's tempting to start sowing broad beans and some other early crops, but it looks like the winter might arrive this weekend.