Sometimes, it's even about plants and gardening...

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Is it really almost a year...?

...since I last posted to this blog?

It looks very much like it.  Rest assured, both the garden and I are okay.  I've been concentrating my somewhat intermittent blogging efforts on the other one I write in an attempt to promote my 4mph thrillers and welfare rights lit novels and, as a result, neglected this blog.  When I've thought about updating it, I've struggled to find anything desperately important to share.  I still don't have anything that important to share but that's not really the point.  It's better to share something than nothing at all, so why not start with the first flowers of spring? 
Around here, that tends to mean snowdrops and hellebores, both of which seem to tolerate the rather wet winter conditions.  I split and moved many of the hellebore plants in autumn 2015 and wondered how well they would recover but they have put on a fantastic amount of new growth since and some may take a bit of chopping up again later this year. 
The snowdrops have been excellent this year, blooming for over a month already and with maybe another week or so in them before they finally go over.  Similarly, the snowdrops get regular lifting, splitting and replanting, the plan being to transfer more to the herb garden area 'in the green' in a couple of weeks.
Even when flowers are few and far between, there is always something to see in the garden thanks to the birds who drop by to use the feeders and bird bath.  The main visitors are blue tits and goldfinches, although we regularly see ten or more different species in a day, including a pair of robins, chaffinches, sparrows, wrens and - on a couple of occasions - a goldcrest.  Despite having a couple cotoneaster bushes in the front garden absolutely loaded with berries, we have so far been snubbed by the waxwings sighted in the area; there is still time!
Anyway, that will do for today's catch up not-very-exciting blog. 

More soon.
