Sometimes, it's even about plants and gardening...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

"At work"

Another mild October day, and it's been spent potting up plants for sale next spring and sorting out the herb plants that might be sold via the farm shop in a few weeks' time if they continue to make good progress.

Baby cottage garden perennials - foxgloves, columbines, lady's mantle and candelabra primulas
(also available in Latin - see the favourite plants page for details)
It will be great if this side of the business takes off, especially as I'm a bit too close to 50 to spend too many days in the average week doing heavy digging!

The two mini-greenhouses just about squeeze into the polycarb one in the garden, so I now have quite a lot of space for raising cuttings and protecting the tender ones if we get more seriously freezing weather this winter.  Hope not...

Herbs to go - including Vietnamese coriander, tangerine sage, grapefruit mint, golden variegated sage and lavender.