Sometimes, it's even about plants and gardening...

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Ethics Girl

What I do when I'm not gardening...
Some readers will by now be wondering whether I write posts simply to inflict excruciating puns on an unsuspecting world, rather than to impart gardening knowledge, promote my horticultural and craft work or expound the odd bit of left-wing philosophy.

You've rumbled me, guys!

Not true, actually - the dodgy puns are simply there to grab attention in the same manner as a good tabloid headline, my favourite of recent years being the immortal "Sign on, you Crazy Diamond!" when the bonus-grabbing boss of RBS had to step down.  Which brings me seamlessly to today's dilemma on the subject of business ethics; should I still be blogging with Google in the light of their tax-evading shenanigans?  After all, I don't drink coffee from Starbucks (actually, I don't drink coffee...), I've done no online shopping via Amazon (ever - but I'm a Luddite, of course), I seek out the Fair Trade mark on foodstuffs almost as diligently as I sniff out special offers and try and lead a good, green, sustainable life (ie. I'm mean with fuel).

So don't be too surprised if at some point in the New Year, this gardening blog reappears in a new format with a new company.  Wordpress seems to be the provider of choice for quite a few right-on projects, though whether I can import my old posts or not isn't clear from what I've read so far. 

I hope so, as it would rather defeat the object of teaching Google how not to be evil if I have to set up a permanent link back to them!