Sometimes, it's even about plants and gardening...

Sunday, 30 December 2012

The Empire Strikes Back...?

Among this year's Christmas presents was a gift from my step-daughter that perhaps gives an interesting insight into how wicked she perceives her step-mother to be... 

Knowing me to be something of a Luddite and thus not in possession of an iPhone or similarly sophisticated means of managing my life (and accessing all of human knowledge in an instant), she's bought me a very nice quality diary and personal organiser.

I must confess I am in need of encouragement to manage my business on a somewhat more professional basis.  I haven't ever been in the habit of carrying a diary with me, mainly because I tend to live out of my pockets and if I do carry a bag, it's my small camera bag - chock-full of photographic gear - rather than a 'proper' hand or shoulder bag as a rule.  So if anyone asks about gardening work on a face-to-face basis I inevitably end up writing the details on whatever odd scrap of paper I can find in my pocket or purse (which could be anything from a 'Love Music Hate Racism' leaflet to the back of a Sainsbury's receipt), which might be a laudible, sustainable way of reusing resources, but does look a bit amateurish.

I'm not entirely persuaded that my new Darth Vader 'Don't Underestimate the Force' diary will create quite the wholesome image of 'Sarah's Plants and Gardening Service' that I had in mind when I selected the cheery clean green design with strawberry plant logo for my business card.  On the other hand, I have seen a few gardens where access to a lightsabre might have made clearing the brambles and scrub a quicker and less scratchy process, and frankly nothing short of the power of Death Star itself is going to clear Ground Elder if you have the misfortune to have that in your garden!
I am, however, convinced there will be serious diary envy amongst colleagues at the Citizens' Advice Bureau where I am due to provide some non-horticultural training in the near future, even if we see ourselves aligned with the Rebel Alliance rather than the evil Senator Palpatine - or as he's better known in this quadrant of the galaxy, Ian Duncan-Smith. 

Happy New Year, and may the Force be with you!